Human papilloma, treatment and prevention

doctors prescribe treatment for papilloma in humans

Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common viruses in the world. It infects the skin and causes it to grow. Skin lesions can be spiky, smooth or convex, protruding from the surface or ingrown into the skin.

HPV is also called warts virus. Wart growth can be single or multiple, like cauliflower. They can affect any part of the body, including the genitals (sharp papilloma). Certain types of infections, such as papillomavirus 16, can lead to cancer, especially cervical cancer.

Human papilloma can be present in the body for many years and do not cause any external symptoms. After appearing on the surface of the skin, papillomas can disappear on their own, without any treatment or pain, although this does not happen immediately, but within half a year, for example.

Papilloma in humans, disease prevention

Warts are contagious, they are transmitted by contact with infected skin, papillomas in close quarters are sexually transmitted. You can reduce the infection to sexual intercourse by using a condom. However, this is not 100% protection, as the transmission of the disease can occur when exposed skin areas are in contact. During periods of papillomavirus activity it is better to reject sexual intercourse altogether. The partner must be informed of the presence of HPV.

Papillomas in other areas of the skin, such as the hands and soles of the feet, can also be transmitted by contact: by shaking hands, touching the infected handrail in the simulator, walking barefoot in the shower, using someone else's towel, linen or cosmetics. In these cases, prevention of the disease can be personal hygiene.

Sometimes the human papillomavirus is reactive. For some, these are rare and isolated cases while others suffer from multiple papillomas over and over again. It depends on the nature of the virus and the condition of the human body. Weak immunity, hormonal problems, stress and excessive lifestyle with bad habits contribute to increased activity of the virus.

To prevent recurrent papillomavirus rashes, the immune system should be strengthened. This requires proper nutrition, exercise, good sleep, refusal of alcohol and tobacco smoking, control of stressors. Taking care of your body's health allows you to avoid relapses and over time deal perfectly with papillomas.

professional removal of papilloma in humans

How to treat papillomas

Medicines to destroy papillomaviruses have not yet been identified. However, in most cases, human papilloma is removed from the body and without treatment, through the efforts of the immune system. Although human papillomavirus cannot be cured with drugs, warts that form as a result of infection can be treated and are very effective. Papillomas may need to be removed frequently, as if HPV remains in the body, they will reappear again and again.

There are various medical and traditional methods of treating papilloma. For example, removing the affected skin layers with salicylic acid or freezing treatment (frozen with liquid nitrogen). Skin may change color and texture for a short time after exposure to nitrogen, but it recovers quickly. One of the ways to fight papillomas is immunotherapy, which is to strengthen the body's defenses. With this method of treatment, antibodies (vaccination) are injected into the body that destroy the virus

Acid shot and laser or scalp surgery are also practiced. Indicates papillomas by listed methods are removed in hospitals during several repeated procedures. It should also be noted that medical methods of treating papillomas are much more effective than conventional ones.

Laser surgery is used when other methods have not helped to solve the problem, or it is necessary to get rid of papilloma quickly. Laser treatment can be applied to any part of the body, with the help of which papillomas can be removed in close places. The laser works selectively without damaging healthy skin or creating sores. Slight redness or discoloration may occur, but it resolves quickly and the skin heals. Depending on the nature and size of the tumor, 1 to 3 laser procedures may be necessary.

After successful treatment, you should visit your doctor annually to avoid any tests. In accessible places, the existence of characteristic growth is examined independently. It is also recommended to take preventive measures against the recurrence of the disease, to strengthen the immune system, physical endurance and stress tolerance.

celandine herb flowers to remove papilloma

Papillomas, treatment with folk remedies

Along with medical methods for treating external signs of papilloma in humans in the body, there are proven folk remedies that can accelerate recovery. Natural recipes must be used for a long time and regularly, only in this case it is possible to achieve a consistent positive result.

  1. It is traditionally used by folk medicine to get rid of papillomas with fresh celandine juice. An incision is made on the stem of the plant and the affected skin is lubricated with the issued "milk" 2-3 times a day. Very often papillomas disappear within a week or less, but sometimes take longer.
  2. Known for its bactericidal properties, garlic can also be used to remove papillomas. Garlic juice is lubricated with papillomas several times a day. You can put a small plate on the affected area of the skin at night and attach it with a glue patch. Remove the garlic in the morning, repeating it several times if necessary.
  3. Mix the garlic rice with the vinegar, add a little flour to mix the cream, apply on papillomas, wrap in plastic wrap and leave overnight. In this case, healthy skin areas should be protected with an adhesive patch.
  4. Cold broth of thyme, infused for 40-60 minutes, cooled slightly and used in the form of lotion. It will take 10 or more treatments. The cooled broth should be heated to about 39 ° C.
  5. Steam the skin and apply the softness of propolis on it. Secure with plaster for 2-3 days. Then you can repeat the procedure.
  6. Apply fresh cut of Kalanchoe leaves on the affected skin area and fasten with plaster overnight. For treatment, the operation must be repeated within three weeks. Similarly, banana peels can be used to remove papillomas.
  7. Australian tea tree oil, due to its antifungal and antiviral properties, can be used to treat papillomas. Shave a cotton pad with a drop of oil, apply it to the skin area and secure with an adhesive patch. Treatment requires a long time, at least 1 month.